Easy Potato Salad

easy potato salad
easy potato salad

I really enjoy potatoes, who doesn’t? I especially enjoy potatoes that come in the form of potato salad. This is my easy potato salad recipe, let me tell you more…

At the time of writing this we’re in May 2021 in the UK and it’s not very warm at all. When I look at my timehop from last year I was walking around in a mini dress and it was 25C, today hasn’t quite hit that temperature. But I digress. I wanted to feel a bit more summery and what better way to feel summery than an easy potato salad?

Potato salads are an excellent vehicle for flavours, veggies, sauces and mains. I ended up eating this entire portion for a lunch at work and it was well worth it. I love a potato salad smothered in mayonnaise, but this time I wanted to keep it lighter and fresher, so I went with a ‘light’ mayo option, to just reduce that intensive richness just a little bit. I added chives to develop the flavour and cut through that mayo once again. The green beans add a much needed crunch, which plays off the softness of the potatoes beautifully.

I love to pair this easy potato salad with fish, fishcakes, BBQ’d chicken thighs and tempeh, in my opinion, there is nothing better. What are you waiting for! Recipe is below…

easy potato salad
Easy Potato Salad
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
20 mins

A delicious work lunch or BBQ side dish

Course: lunch, Main Course, Side Dish
Cuisine: English
Keywords: easy potato salad
Servings: 2
  • 450 g New/ jersey potatoes
  • 60 g runner beans, topped and tails
  • 1 handful Chives
  • 75 g Light Mayo
  • 1 tsp Smoked paprika
  • 1 tsp Onion granules
  1. Boil your potatoes from cold water for 15-20 minutes until soft. Add your runner beans and cook for 4 minutes. Drain into a colander.

  2. Leave to cool in your saucepan, then add in your chives, mayo, herbs and spices and stir to combine. Serve and enjoy!

copyright oneillkitchen 2021
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