Roasted Vegetable and Chicken Pesto Pasta

I was sat on the phone to my mom yesterday and was telling her about my ridiculous cravings for pesto. Pesto has been all I’ve been thinking about since I saw some pesto pasta on Insta a few days ago, so you know… I had to have it. A few months ago I had an unfortunate incident with ‘normal’ pesto where I had a complete brain freeze and forgot it has about half a gallon of cheese in and suffered from the consequences and I’ve been a bit emotionally scarred since! Then I remembered I’ve seen pesto in the dairy free section of my local supermarket and that was that. I dragged my mildly hungover bum into Morrisons and grabbed some. It was £2.50 which I think is a bit steep but to banish a craving I’m totally on board. I had some veggies to use up and as I am currently in the midst of an roasted asparagus and broccoli moment I chucked them in alongside some chicken. A dead easy meal which I hope you’ll enjoy, and if you’re following slimming world- its only 3.5 syns a portion. This will make for 2 portions- perfect for a couples dinner or lunches to drag into work, or in my case, the library…


Jar of dairy free pesto- I used Saclas Basil Pesto
Any leftover vegetables you need to use up
Cooked chicken cut into cubes
1 cup or 2 big handfuls of pasta


Chopping Board

Baking Tray



  1. Chop any veg and cooked chicken that you need to on your board
  2. Heat your oven to 180°C and put your vegetables on the baking tray. Pop them in the oven for about 15 minutes until soft and starting to crisp and go brown.
  3. Put your pasta into a saucepan of hot tapwater and put on the hob to boil until soft when poked through with a fork
  4. Drain your pasta using the colander and add back into the saucepan
  5. Add in your roasted vegetables and chunks of chicken and stir to combine
  6. Add into this 2 tablespoons of pesto and stir to combine again
  7. Plate up to serve (or put into lunch boxes)





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