Dairy Free Nutella Cupcakes

Wow it feels good to be back. I have finished my work placement and Caitlin has finished school for this year so we are mostly refreshed, recuperated and all systems go back on the blog. We can’t promise content every day or week but what we can hopefully promise is to not leave everyone in the lurch like that again, sorry! So with that, our hiatus is over and we bring you our chocolate dairy free Nutella style cupcakes. These cupcakes are for the die hard lovers of all things cupcakes and Nutella rolled into one delicious mouthful. This recipe uses Nature Store Free From Hazelnut and Cocoa Spread which is beyond all levels of tasty and is most definitely on par with normal Nutella. We normally find this at our local big Sainsbury’s and the recipe makes 12 gawjus cupcakes, enjoy!


For the cupcakes:

-100g dairy free margarine-
-100g caster sugar-
-2 eggs-
-75g self raising flour-
-25g cocoa powder-

For the icing:
-125g dairy free margarine-
-225g icing sugar-
-2 tablespoons of hazelnut and cocoa spread-
-1 tablespoon of cocoa-

Method to the madness:

1) Measure out all of your ingredients. Preheat that oven to 180°C and pop some cupcake cases in a cupcake pan.

2) Cream together the margarine and sugar in a big bowl until pale, fluffy and smooth.

3) Slowly beat in your eggs until the mixture is smooth and creamy.

4) Sieve in your cocoa powder and flour until all combined and a smooth cake batter is formed.

5) Evenly dollop batter into the cupcake cases until about 2/3rd full and put in the oven for around 15 minutes until cooked through and springy to the touch. Place on a wire tray to cool.

6) To make the icing whip up the sugar and butter slowly until well combined and fluffy. Then add your hazelnut and cocoa spread into the icing and again whip up until light and fluffy. Add optional cocoa powder to your own taste or desired colour.

7) Pipe or spread onto your cupcakes and then voila! You have your beautiful just as damn good as Nutella cupcakes.

Hope this recipe has been just as useful and delicious for you as it was for us!

Happy Baking!
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